Thursday, April 21, 2011

34 Weeks!

Well, I'm 34 weeks now... and of course growing more and more uncomfortable by the day, but it's still not too bad.  I have days when I am so miserable and have constant contractions, and other days when I am perfectly fine.  He is getting heavy though, and I can feel the weight pulling down on my belly. I was walking around Sears and hurting, so I was holding my belly up, and this random lady asked me if I was holding the baby up or in. I told her "up" and she said "Oh he can't be that heavy." That surprised me... and all I could think was "You try carrying around 5lbs of baby, 2lbs of placenta, 2 lbs of fluid all in the center of your body and have it pull on your middle half and tell me that's not heavy." Either she'd never been pregnant, or she carried a squirrel in her belly. haha.

But I had a Dr. appt yesterday and am weighing in at 155lbs... baby is "head down and ready to go" and his heartbeat is good. My blood pressure is still ok, so no signs of preeclampsia yet (I had it onset with my son around 38-39 weeks).  I have my strep B test in 2 weeks, and then I start going in every week for appointments! Crazy!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, I decided to compare my belly today with my 33 week belly when I was pregnant with my son. Here's the results. I am MUCH bigger this time around!
Feeling good so far! No major complaints!! I am getting really excited to meet this little guy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

32 Weeks!

Firstly, here's a pic...I was actually 31 weeks in this pic, but you get the idea. We spent a few days in Las Vegas last week... and being as pregnant as I am, and walking everywhere, my legs hurt so bad and my ankles swelled up so much that my shoes that don't normally fit right (always slide off my heel) fit me snug. It was really painful and I have never ever thought I couldn't walk anymore, but I honestly could not take any more steps once we reached the hotel again. And boy did it cause contractions! I guess walking is a good way to get baby coming! On our way back from Arizona, DH and I both got food poisoning. I have never had it before, and let me tell you I would rather die than get it again. I have never spent so much time in the bathroom. I couldnt even keep water down and got sorta dehydrated. I never felt so thirsty either. Luckily, I was able to keep down fluids, but no food for 2 days. Yucky. Had a doc appt yesterday, I gained another pound and am officially on the 2 week appt. schedule now. I think it's unnecessary, but I'll go anyways, gives me something to look forward to.  While on my trip we got a 3D ultrasound done, and here's one of my fav pics from the u/s. Isn't he just precious?