Saturday, June 19, 2010


Whether you are trying for your 1st or your 5th, fertility issues are no less painful to deal with.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Win Cloth Diapers!

FREE DIAPERS at Feed Your Stash Friday

Cloth Diapering

So, my last post sparked some comments about cloth diapering, and I was instantly curious. I know a few people who do the cloth diapering thing, but in my head, when I thought about cloth diapering, I thought of folding those little white "burp rags," safety pins, ugly rubber pants, and a LOT of work. I've never even considered it. Sure, buying huggies and luvs was pricey, but they were easy. Well, after reading those comments about cloth diapering, I decided to google cloth diapers and see what came up. Really I was looking for a how to for folding them, cleaning them, etc... but what I found was really exciting!

Cloth diapering as come a long way from what I thought. What I discovered were all in one cloth diapers, one size that fits all, and they were WAY cute!! Here's some stuff that I found. The initial up front cost would be higher, but they are all guaranteed to last atleast 2 years, which is great.

These below are Bumkin diapers. They run from about $15 and up. Look at all the cute prints!These are BABY AIO cloth diapers. I found them on There's a how-to video at the bottom of the ebay page. I love these! This particular lot has them going for $8 a diaper. That's a great price! Free shipping as well.This one is a bumgenius cloth diaper. This one has a velcro closure and comes in many colors. Looks like they also start around $15 a diaper.

There is also "Baby Love" diapers:

Those are just a few different brands and styles of cloth diapers, to see more, just google cloth diapers. I don't know which type I will go with, I am thinking bumgenius? Let me know what your thoughts are and what type you would suggest! I am really excited about this! Also, if you do cloth diaper, how many would you suggest one to buy starting out?

Looks like washing them is pretty simple...some styles you just throw the diaper in the washing machine, some you remove a liner and wash, some you remove the padding and wash, but overall they aren't nearly has painstaking as I thought they were. I think during the summers I would even hang them outside to dry to be even more green!

PS If anyone wants to donate their cloth diaper for me to review it, I'd be happy to! LOL

Monday, June 14, 2010


Every night this last week, I dreamed that I was pregnant. Literally. Every night. I have mixed feelings about these dreams, they are wonderful...while I am dreaming. In my dreams the financial worries are not there, so it is just a time of pure bliss. When I wake up, I'm bummed it was a dream, annoyed that I even had it because it does not make this not-trying thing any easier. But then again, I am glad it was just a dream, I really DO want to get things more stable before we add to our family.

Anyways, we've had our Sunday night talks every week now, and I kind of like having them. We go over our finances for the week which is nice, because I used to be the only one doing the finances and I would be really stressed when money got tight, and then when Spencer would find out how tight it was he would get mad at me for not telling him. This way we both work it out, come up with solutions, and it takes a LOT of stress off me when we work together as a team. Anyways, we discussed the baby thing again last night, and I told him my feelings on it. Every time I start to think about when we can try again, the month of August pops into my head. I feel that August gives us enough time to get this figured out, change our current situation, and that it would put a baby being born in a semester I don't have school. I told Spencer this, and he said it sounded like a good possibility and that we would consider it. I told him I feel like Heavenly Father has promised that once we get things squared away, and when it is the right time, I will have no trouble getting pregnant and keeping the pregnancy. I believe this without a doubt.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well, not much in the world of not TTC right now. Got the bill for my HSG, and my insurance DID cover part of it, which I didn't think they would! So, the damage was only $600...waay better than what I was expecting!