Monday, June 14, 2010


Every night this last week, I dreamed that I was pregnant. Literally. Every night. I have mixed feelings about these dreams, they are wonderful...while I am dreaming. In my dreams the financial worries are not there, so it is just a time of pure bliss. When I wake up, I'm bummed it was a dream, annoyed that I even had it because it does not make this not-trying thing any easier. But then again, I am glad it was just a dream, I really DO want to get things more stable before we add to our family.

Anyways, we've had our Sunday night talks every week now, and I kind of like having them. We go over our finances for the week which is nice, because I used to be the only one doing the finances and I would be really stressed when money got tight, and then when Spencer would find out how tight it was he would get mad at me for not telling him. This way we both work it out, come up with solutions, and it takes a LOT of stress off me when we work together as a team. Anyways, we discussed the baby thing again last night, and I told him my feelings on it. Every time I start to think about when we can try again, the month of August pops into my head. I feel that August gives us enough time to get this figured out, change our current situation, and that it would put a baby being born in a semester I don't have school. I told Spencer this, and he said it sounded like a good possibility and that we would consider it. I told him I feel like Heavenly Father has promised that once we get things squared away, and when it is the right time, I will have no trouble getting pregnant and keeping the pregnancy. I believe this without a doubt.


  1. You know, a good way to cut back on costs for a baby is to cloth diaper, something I've considered doing when we have our next baby. I've been doing a ton of research and you can build up a stash over the duration of your pregnancy. Invest about $300-$400 and you're good to go! Plus with the Pampers fiasco, and now noticing chemical odors in my regular diapers as well as Luvs we had to pick up as an emergency, I'm starting to think that disposables aren't all that convenient.

    I calculated that between both girls, we spent $1800 on diapers. That's why I ended up potty training Ruthie last week. I didn't want to spend anymore money on diapers!

  2. That is way awesome hun :). I am so glad you guys are having these talks and you feel much less stress about things :).

    Oh, and I totally agree with Amber. We are cloth diapering our next, and I can get enough diapers to last until potty training for $500. WAY less than we spend on disposables :)

  3. I think that you're right about what Heavenly Father is willing to do for you. I'm really glad that you're able to keep that kind of perspective in the thick of things. Love you girl.

    On the subject of diapers...I read an article about a study done calculating the difference between cloth and regular diapers...they ended up being about the same! When you include laundering expenses and such....? Who knows?
