Sunday, January 2, 2011

18.5 Weeks

Well I'm 18 1/2 weeks now. I am definitely starting to look pregnant! I woke up to the surprise of this bump! It made it a little difficult getting outta bed this morning. I am still getting the leg cramps, and my back has started killing me, but overall I am feeling good and everything is moving right along! I am still feeling baby move, but this weekend I've been pretty busy and haven't noticed much. The heartbeat has gone down a little bit and is hovering around 140-150. I have my gender ultrasound in a week from Tuesday. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Still not needing maternity pants, but the shirts are definitely more comfortable. My scrubs at work are starting to feel a little snug... it's a good thing they provide 3 bigger sizes for me if I need! Anyways, thats about all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to find out what your baby is. Lol. Is that weird?? Congrats on the baby bump. Uncomfortable but comforting right?
