Well just to follow up on the last post, I went in to my doctor to have them check on my IUD since it was driving me crazy. She cut the strings really short and for the most part I haven't had any more issues with feeling it. Sometimes I do, but it's nowhere near as annoying! And I think I've finally stopped bleeding (yay! I felt like I've been bleeding for 2.5 months straight!) I really like not having to worry about birth control, and I feel like it's a very secure method, so I am not worried about any oopses!
Baby Jake is doing great, he's definitely bulking up! The cloth diaper thing is going awesome... Still trying to work out a fool-proof washing routine... and today I think I got it. I know you're not supposed to use Tide on them, but I was reading in the diaperswappers.com forum that some ladies were using Tide original and loving it and not having any issues, so I've been doing it too. I just rinse the heck out of it after and they smell wonderful and any stink stays away! I also am so disappointed when I can't get them into the sun on time, because that does wonders for any smell too. The only issues I've been having with leaks is when my hubby or mother in law doesn't make sure it's tight around his legs and then they leak around the legs, or they dont change him withing the 2.5 hour window. I've started sneaking hemp doublers into the diapers I pack for them in the diaperbag so in case they wait to long it's not getting several outfits a day left. I sold several of my diapers that I didn't love so I could buy more of the kind I like...and I am currently waiting for them to arrive. But in the meantime I am down to about 16 diapers so I am washing everyday. I also have about 40 disposables in size 1 left and I have been trying to use them up (I hate wasting things) so he's been in a disposable occasionally. I am so used to the fluffiness of the cloth diapers, that when he is in a disposable it's like his butt is missing! He feels so much more itty bitty to me in a disposable!
I went to a baby shower the other day and lots of gals asked about cloth diapering and they were so surprised how far it had come. That tends to be everyone's reactions. I dont think any will be making the switch anytime soon, but how can you be against something that saves so much money??
I also invested in some cloth training pants for Cohen to wear when he's sleeping since he's not 100% night trained. Those work pretty good, but he's such a heavy wetter I put in a microfiber insert in it so it's extra absorbent. That's a trial and error thing too...I'm so tired of changing wet sheets! I am so tempted to go back to disposable pull ups, but I don't want to spend $30 a month for something for him to pee on if I don't have to!! Any suggestions? I googled night training and I think I am going to stop giving him drinks at 7pm since he goes to bed around 10...hopefully that will buy him some time?? Well, that's all for now. Peace out!
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