This post is merely for my own curiosity, as I was in the pharmacy aisle today I saw a over the counter at-home fertility test. Basically, you pee on the stick like a pregnancy or ovulation kit and it tells you if you can get pregnant or not. I was instantly curious. Now, I don't consider myself to be infertile by any means, I mean I dont seem to have the issue of GETTING pregnant, my issue lies in STAYING pregnant, but for all those women out there who are TTC for a year or more might worry if they are or not. If you are under 35, and healthy, and same with your spouse, you would want to see a fertility specialist after atleast a year of not conceiveing. If you are over 35, they say after 6 months of TTC you should see one. But in the meantime, if you are on like your 8th month TTC, and you wanna take matters into your own hands, you may wanna take one of these: How does it work?
According to the FirstResponse Website, this fertility test measures the amount of Follicle Stimulating Hormone, (FSH), in your urine. FSH is a hormone that is directly connected to your ovaries and egg production. It tells your body to produce an egg. If your levels are normal, you have enough eggs to consider yourself fertile. If your FSH is elevated, that means your body is producing more of the hormone to convince your body to prepare and release an egg, meaning you don't have very many or have a limited supply. Wow, betcha never realized your urine could tell you so many things!
How and when do you take it?
On day 3 of your cycle. So, you should take this while on your period. This is the prime time to take this test. Hold it in your urine stream for 5 seconds, replace cap, and wait 30 minutes. Yes, it's longer than a pregnancy test, but I think this process is a little more in-depth. After the 30 minutes have passed you will see either one line or two. This is one test where you want to see only ONE line! That means your FSH levels are normal and you have enough eggs to be considered fertile. If you see two lines, it means there is an elevated amount of FSH and so you may have a low supply of eggs and you might consider seeing a fertility specialist.
Does it Work?
Now that's the million dollar question. I think it accurately detects the FSH hormone. I don't it lies about that in it's claim to 95% accuracy. I think that's true. However, not all fertility issues lie in egg production. There several things that contribute to infertility such as PCOS, Endometriosis, even being over/underweight, low progesterone levels, and so much more. And according to www. only 1/3 of infertility cases are because of female issues.
Would I Recommend?
If you are healthy, have no signs or history of PCOS, Endometriosis, or other things that can interfere with fertility, then I say go for it. If anything it is a way to rule out one possible cause and give you a sense of relief in that department. But I could caution that you take your result with a grain of salt, because just like in a pregnancy test, there could be false positives, or false negatives. If you have $25-40 to spare it couldn't hurt. But if you are doing it to avoid seeing a fertility specialist, it won't save you money in the long run, because you should see one anyways regardless of your result.
I don't think I will buy one though. If you have tried one, please let me know your experience.
If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, you must read this writing!
Last week, I came across this incredible holistic pregnancy program written by a nutritionist and a health consultant. Her name is Lisa Olson.
Lisa has the incredible ability to cut through all the BS and hype that surrounds overcoming infertility and getting pregnant naturally.
Do you want to learn how to get pregnant and give birth to healthy children from someone who has herself cured her infertility (and coached many women in reversing infertility issues), or from someone who just read about how to get pregnant?
Sorry, but experience wins out in my book. I will always want to learn from the person who's actually done what I'm trying to do.
If you're battling with any type infertility or are struggling to get pregnant especially if you're on your late 30's or late 40's, you MUST check this out --
I don't endorse many products. Mainly because they are mostly hype and don't live up to expectation. Lisa's new book called "Pregnancy Miracle", is an exception! This material is excellent and a MUST READ for anyone trying to get pregnant naturally and dramatically improve their health and well-being.
Click the link below to read more about this fantastic book and how it can help you achieve your goals:
>>>>> How To Treat infertility <<<<<
Now, I know many of you are saying, "Oh no, not another 'get pregnant in 7 days' program". To be totally honest, I thought the same thing. Rest assured, this is not the case. It is not a quick fix, or gimmick. Its 250+ pages of solid, clinically proven holistic information for getting pregnant. She starts from square one and teaches you everything you need to know. Doesn't matter what type of infertility you have and regardless of your age or lifestyle, you WILL learn something from this book.
Here's what the author Lisa Olson had to say about her incredible program:
"After 14 years of trial, error and experimentation, I finally discovered the answer to infertility and developed a fool-proof system to getting pregnant the natural way - no drugs, or surgery necessary. And now I'm finally revealing my secrets in this new 'encyclopedia' of pregnancy called, Pregnancy Miracle.
I will be your own personal coach, take you by the hand, and lead you through the lousy advice, hype and gimmicks...and directly to the sort of inner balance perfection that will end your battle with infertility forever and help you become a proud mother of your healthy children.
Don't even THINK about buying any pregnancy or infertility product, drugs or going on a gimmick pregnancy program until you read my revealing, no-holds barred holistic getting pregnant book..."
Click the link below to read more: Get Pregnant Naturally