Monday, May 10, 2010

CD 2

Well, I've scheduled my HSG test for Thursday morning. I'm a little anxious about it, not in a good anxious though. Also asked the nurse at my Dr.'s office about my bloodwork and she said my Dr. was gonna look at it today and that she'd call me back. So, hopefully we'll hear back on that today.

Had a talk with the hubby last night about TTC and how sick and tired I am of it. I think this cycle we are going to take a break, and what I mean by that is, a break from charting, and counting cycle days and stuff. We are still gonna try to make one, but we are hoping that without the stress of TTC it will help. I plan on keeping my distance from the What to Expect message boards because those tend to make me a little stir crazy as well.

I also start school this month and from the looks of my textbook it is going to be a TON of information in a short amount of time, so hopefully I won't have time to concentrate on when I am ovulating. So, with this cycle, here is what we ARE going to do though:

1. I will continue to take my prenatal vitamins, extra folic acid.
2. Use preseed
3. DH will be taking extra vitamin C
4. Remedy anything they might find in my bloodwork/HSG test.

I will NOT:
1. Test till AF is due. That drove me insane this month. I am ridding my house of all pregnancy tests before the time comes to test.
2. Chart my temps
3. Check my CM
4. Look at a calender to see what CD I am on.

Hopefully, this non-plan-of-attack will catch the eggy by surprise!! LOL


  1. Tell Spencer to start drinking Mountain Dew. Contrary to Urban Myths, it does not kill sperm count.

    Case in point? I got pregnant with Zoe even with a pretty severe case of Endometriosis and that's what Jeff's beverage of choice was at the time. And then Ruthie was made in one shot.. and again that's what he was drinking at work at the time.

    Spencer probably doesn't need to drink 5-6 cans of it a day like Jeff was doing at the time, however one or two servings a day should work.*

    *BTW, this is mildly tongue in cheek, I don't expect that it actually does anything.. but doesn't hurt to try ;)

  2. Have you have intercourse lay down on the on the couch or whatnot and have your butt propped up. Believe it or not after trying with Keagan for 6 months that is the only thing that worked for us. I just layed there for like an hour and sure enough within 4 weeks I was getting the pregnancy symptoms and missed my period!! So try that as well as what Amber said and have Spencer take luke warm showers. The HOT showers is what kills the sperms! Goodluck:)

  3. One thing you may want to check is see if Spencer has any varicose veins on the "boys". I had a friend of mine who was trying for a child with her husband and that's what it ended up being. He had the surgery to correct it, and then she got pregnant really soon after he was given the go ahead to resume activities. Seeing how Spencer is around 30 or so, it would make sense, because varicose veins tend to form as you age.. and not just on your legs.

    Check for them yourself, and if they are there or you think they are there, talk to your OB about it and see what they say.. they'll more than likely be able to put you in contact with someone who can get it taken care of.

    I honestly don't get why they don't check the spouses at the same time... saves time and heartache!

    Oh, and to follow up on what Linda said, if you're having intercourse before going to sleep, don't get up to get anything.. have your nightclothes or whatever on the floor or nightstand or even have Spencer get them for you. Just lay there and if you put anything back on, just sort of wiggle them on without going vertical.

  4. Thanks guys, but you are preaching to the choir. lol. I've done all you've suggested, and we're on cycle 16!

  5. I definitely understand what you're saying about how stressful it is. We've decided to be done. Just let it be. I am still taking vitamins and herbs and such, but I'm done charting and wondering. It hasn't done us any good, and sex became a chore.

    Here's hoping #16 is great for you and #24 is great for me :)
