Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Last night I had a dream that I got a positive pregnancy test. It was SO realistic and vivid. In the dream I was beside myself with excitement and I kept telling everyone that I KNEW I was pregnant. The pee stick in my dream was so clear and real. When I woke up I had a split second of excitement before I realized it was a dream. Then I was disappointed that it was only a dream. That was totally unfair for me to dream that lol. Well, in the dream the BFP came on 12 DPO, so maybe it will happen, but I am not testing till Saturday morning. I can wait. I can wait. I can wait. lol. I am seriously crazy. Maybe I should invest in a dream catcher. hehe

1 comment:

  1. I love those dreams until I wake up :). This last cycle I didn't have any (I normally have that dream at least once a cycle), but last one it was all dreams that AF was coming or was here. It was so strange to not have a BFP dream and then to get one in real life. But hopefully it is a sign for you, that would be great :)
