Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jacob Spencer is Here!

Well, after 19 long months of trying to get pregnant, 2 devestating miscarriages, 9 months of a surprisingly uncomfortable pregnancy, and 6 hours of labor....

I am thrilled to introduce to you our newest Morris! Jacob Spencer Morris was born on May 26th (a week early from my original due date, but perfectly on time with my ultrasound date) at 4:33am. Weighing in at 8lbs 5oz and a lengthy 21.5inches. He is just precious and the perfect fit into our family.
Wednesday the 26th I had a doctor appointment, and my doctor had already told me she would strip my membranes and try and get labor moving. When she stripped them, she said, "Oh yeah, that's gonna do it, that was a good-quality stripping. I'd give it a day or two, but I doubt you'll be pregnant this weekend." As soon as I sat up I had a painful contraction, and got excited that it just might work! So I left and went to my chiropractor and got adjusted, and was having some steady braxton hicks, so I decided to go walk and see if anything came of them. So I walked around walmart and they stayed pretty consistent, but I decided to head home because they weren't hurting and were about 8-10 min apart, like they'd been for weeks now. So I get home about 7pm, and they start picking up in strength. I tried to stay active to help them do some work, so I cleaned the house as best I could. By 8pm I was calling Spencer, they were getting to be about 3-4 minutes apart, and starting to hurt. By 9pm they were under 2 minutes apart but weren't hurting. They were uncomfortable, but they weren't demobilizing like every book says they are, so I called the hospital and asked them if I should come in. They said if it didn't hurt, it wasn't labor, so wait until it hurts. Spencer was heading home and they were still coming less than 2 minutes apart, so I told Spencer to hurry and that we were going in anyway. I made sure we had our bags packed, got Cohen in his jammies and ready to go to his grandpas, and as soon as Spencer got there, we left and dropped Cohen off. We made it to the hospital about 10:30pm. My contractions slowed a little in the car to every 4 min apart, and I was starting to worry they'd send me home, so I applied the pressure points I'd been using, and when we were walking into the hospital I had 3 really painful contractions about a min apart. I refused the wheelchair and as we approached the L&D desk one of the nurses says, "Oh boy, holding her belly and panting, looks for real!" So I got checked into a room and the nurse checked me and to my surprise I was already 6-7cm dialated!! The nurse also looked surprised, so she said, "Let's get that epidural for you!" and by 11pm I had my epidural. It wasn't the most pleasant experience getting the epi this time, when he went to thread the catheter through the epidural needle I could feel it going into my spine and that hurt, so he had to remove it and place it again, which was much better! They checked me again after about an hour and I was at 8cm, so they went to go call the doctor and see if he wanted to break my water, and I think he wanted to wait for whatever reason, so they let me get some sleep for a few hours and at 4am they checked me and I was 10cm and my bag of water was buldging, so in came the doctor and broke it. Then he must have realized he forgot something, because he stepped out really quick and the nurses looked a little confused, but they set me up to push and said they wanted to see how I push. They could instantly see his head and asked me to wait for the doctor. I could sort of feel when I was having a contraction. The doctor was a great coach, and helped me push Jake out in 3 contractions, so about 12 pushes, and I didn't even tear! They put Jake on my belly and cleaned him off, and he cried out once, but after that was very quiet but super alert and big-eyed.
We are home now and I am loving this little boy more and more. I couldn't be more in love with my boys!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

38 Weeks!

Had a doctor appointment yesterday. I told my doc about the bad contractions I've been having so she wanted to check my cervix. I have been debating whether or not I wanted it checked at all, but I was just too curious to see if those contractions were doing any work, so I agreed.  I'm 2cm dialated, and about 50% effaced.  When I got to the doctor and had to give my urine sample, I noticed some spotting, and mentioned it to her and she said it was from my cervix starting to dialate. So something's going on in there! She asked me if I was thinking about induction, and I told her I wanted to wait till my due date came to think about that, but I asked her if she'd strip my membranes next week and she said that would be perfectly easy to do, and a perfect time. So, if this little guy stays around till then, he'll be prodded along just a little. I've gained 32 pounds total, and my blood pressure has been slightly elevated above my normal, but nobody seems worried. I also think I lost a majority of my mucus plug last night... but I'm not sure. I am really hoping I go into labor in the next few days, I feel like it's soon!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

37 Weeks

3 Weeks to go!
I am begging this little man to make an appearance a little sooner though. I am officially miserable. So far this week I've:

*Burned my belly on the stove while cooking dinner. Yes, I have a burn blister a little bit bigger than a quarter on my belly. That HURTS. I guess that means I am officially too big.

*My stretchmarks- I haven't gained any more this pregnancy, theses are from my previous pregnancy- have started bleeding. My skin literally can't stretch anymore. I feel like my skin is tearing in 2 no matter how much lotion I put on.

*Was woken up from a deep sleep to intense leg cramps in both legs. I couldn't even move my feet to stretch my legs out. It was painful!! My whole leg just seized up! Awful! (and yes, I've increased my calcium intake and potassium and still no luck).

*My ribs have been on fire. After a contraction mostly, but the pain lingers and I am just dying for some relief, I'm not getting kicked there thank goodness, but it's another pain that's driving me nuts.

*I have become a basketcase. Every little think makes me burst into tears- for example my washing machine was making a loud noise after the repair man "fixed" it. I bawled like a baby over it. I'm also sort of ragey and "I don't care"-ish. I just feel miserable.

I am sorry to complain, but I have never been this uncomfortable in my life. EVER. I thought I was uncomfortable with Cohen. I doubt that now!! I am so glad to be pregnant and finally get this baby we tried so hard and waited so long for... but these last few weeks are going to kill me. Come on baby let us meet you soon! BTW here's my 37 week belly shot. Feelin huge in a moo moo. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Starting to plan the party

So, I'm about 37wks (38 by ultrasound) and so I figured it would be ok to get things going a little. Mostly prepare things for getting going. I bought some Raspberry Leaf Tea, I drank a ton of it with Cohen. It's supposed to strengthen my uterus and make contractions more effective a making me dialate and then eventually push the baby out more effectively. I drink 1-2 cups a day, I don't LOVE the stuff, but it is good and relaxes me. I also have started an evening primrose oil regimine... 1 capsule a day to soften the cervix to allow for easier dialation (and prevent tearing when pushing). Now none of these things will induce labor, just enhance it and make it a little easier. I had a prenatal massage today and the lady showed me some pressure points that can lead to labor, and she rubbed them a little saying it was not enough to start labor, just to get my body thinking about it. I'm not evicting this baby before he's ready, but I'm sending him a 30 day notice!! lol. Haven't had any more nights like a few nights ago with steady contractions... weird! Anywho...hopefully things get underway soon... the countdown has begun as I am now considered "full term!"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Baby Room

I don't think I posted any pics of the baby's room setup, other than my cloth diapering station. So here they are. I made the crib bumpers and crib skirt, bought the red sheet on Ebay, got the crib mobile on amazon. (I've wanted this particular mobile, but couldn't find it for less than $50 anywhere, so I held off on getting it, and ended up finding it when I was shopping for my textbooks for $30 so I got it.) I've woven the bumpers in and out covering 3 bars and leaving one exposed. It made for a tighter fit, and I like the look better. The mobile plays Brahm's lullabye.  I used some leftover fabric from the crib bumpers to make a cover for the changing table. And since he's going to be sharing with his big brother who already had a car theme going on, there's my older son's bed and half of the room. The only changes Ive made since taking these pictures is their names are above each of their beds in wooden letters, and there's a Lightning McQueen poster in between the names, right above the changing table. I think it's a very cool room if I do say so myself. :)

36 Weeks

Had a doctor and a chiropractor appointment yesterday. It was nothing exciting. Had my Strep B test done (oh joy) and got weighed. I've hit the 161lbs already!! Crazy! I am definitely heavier than I was when pregnant with Cohen, but bless my lovely facebook friends and coworkers, and faithful readers who tell me I look cute and skinny and stuff. It sure makes me feel better. I especially like this shirt I'm wearing in the pic, b/c from the front I barely look pregnant! Anywho, back to the doctor appointment. I am measuring at barely 35 weeks, so a week behind- not too worrisome, Cohen measured a little behind too (so maybe I will deliver closer to June than the end of May). Heartbeat's still good. Told her about all my contractions and pains and she said just keep an eye on it all (gee thanks doc). Some days I have a ton of contractions, and some I have a few. They've been coming every 10 minutes on the dot for the last 40 min, so that's kinda interesting.  My chriopractor confused me a lot this last visit. He said my pelvis is really tight and that for as far along as I am, that should be a sign that my labor might be difficult. This is confusing b/c up until yesterday he was saying all my problems have been from my pelvis loosening in preparation for childbirth? He says I must not be producing relaxin yet, but my doc told me that he must not know what he's talking about and not to worry about the delivery. (It wasn't my regular OB I saw, but a PA). She told me I can come back in 1 or 2 weeks if I want, and so I chose 2. No point in going in a week unless there's an issue. I also asked when those super fun cervix checks usually start and she says they do them starting at 38 weeks unless there's a reason. So I have a while, and I'm still debating whether or not I even want my cervix checked. We'll see. So there's the latest update. Somedays I think this baby is coming soon, and others It doesnt feel close at all. But regardless I am ready for him when he's ready to come out!! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

35 Weeks

So, I'm pretty much done with 35 weeks and will be 36 on Thursday, but here's my 35 week picture. I thought I had posted it already. I am so uncomfortable it's not funny. I'm a pretty chill person too and have a high threshold for pain and discomfort. And I need this baby out now. That's saying somethin. I am starting the Evening Primrose oil once I get my doc's ok tomorrow at my appointment. I am not going past due with this one. (I don't think I will regardless of using the EPO, I have been busy with contractions and a head down baby on my sciatic nerve- this baby is getting ready to come out.) Wanna know the weirdest thing ever? And if you're a guy and get weirded out by lady talk, bounce out now, because I just wanted to say last night I felt this little guy moving (as in his hands by his face or something) directly on my pubic bone. That is a low baby! And I think my skin is streched to it's limit officially. DH has putting some pressure on my lower back last night b/c it was killing me, and any little tug on my skin HURT like a B. I seriously thought my skin was gonna rip apart. Belly is also just growing straight out. I feel like a walking torpedo belly. Haha. My coworker says I seriously look like I've got a basketball tucked under there. I wish, a basketball would weigh less! :) Anyways, this is me, miserable, but so happy to be pregnant and madly excited to meet this little guy in less than a month!