Tuesday, May 3, 2011

35 Weeks

So, I'm pretty much done with 35 weeks and will be 36 on Thursday, but here's my 35 week picture. I thought I had posted it already. I am so uncomfortable it's not funny. I'm a pretty chill person too and have a high threshold for pain and discomfort. And I need this baby out now. That's saying somethin. I am starting the Evening Primrose oil once I get my doc's ok tomorrow at my appointment. I am not going past due with this one. (I don't think I will regardless of using the EPO, I have been busy with contractions and a head down baby on my sciatic nerve- this baby is getting ready to come out.) Wanna know the weirdest thing ever? And if you're a guy and get weirded out by lady talk, bounce out now, because I just wanted to say last night I felt this little guy moving (as in his hands by his face or something) directly on my pubic bone. That is a low baby! And I think my skin is streched to it's limit officially. DH has putting some pressure on my lower back last night b/c it was killing me, and any little tug on my skin HURT like a B. I seriously thought my skin was gonna rip apart. Belly is also just growing straight out. I feel like a walking torpedo belly. Haha. My coworker says I seriously look like I've got a basketball tucked under there. I wish, a basketball would weigh less! :) Anyways, this is me, miserable, but so happy to be pregnant and madly excited to meet this little guy in less than a month!

1 comment:

  1. you do look uncomfortable but at the same time you look stunning:)
