So this past weekend was that Baby Spring Fling. I ended up going with my 2 year old and it was kinda an interesting experience. Mostly because I forgot Cohen's stroller and had to keep him from running off the whole time.
But I was thinking this fair was going to be all things baby, and according to the fliers that there would be medical professionals of all types there to get some info and ideas of what you wanted out of childbirth. This fair was just a way for every anti-medicated birth, anti-formula feeding women, anti-doctor, anti-hospital birth person to get together and push their ideas onto others. I didn't leave feeling informed about anything, but I felt bad that I had an induction, an epidural, a hospital birth, and that I did not breastfeed Cohen. Which is odd, because I am not upset about my choices. In fact, I stand behind them 200%.
For these professionals who claim that women should be able to do it unmedicated, and give a shpeal about how women need to stick together and support each other and yada yada yada... making someone feel like crap because they don't think the same way you do is quite hypocritical. They only want you to do what they want you to do. I left this place sorely pissed off because I was looked down on for having an epidural, or for formula feeding my child.
It irritates the crap out of me that people have to stick their noses in my business that way. I brought a freaking baby into this world, he was perfectly healthy, and is smart as a whip and growing. How can anyone look negatively on the way that I chose to do that? It really ticks me off that people dwell way too much on the childbirthing "experience" rather than the point of it all...the child.
Sorry about the rant, it just ticked me off going to this fair and all these women thinking they were better than me because they did everything "the way it was supposed to happen." I bet you if all those women back in the olden days were offered an epidural, I bet you most of them would take it.
Moral of this Blog:
If you want to do it natural, great. If you want to feed your baby bottle or breast, fine. If you want to give birth in tub of water, or a hospital bed, great. Just don't assume that it's the only way to do it and that anyone else who does it differently is selfish or ignorant. Just mind your own business and keep your opinions to yourself.
Thanks for listening. :)
GO Val!!